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恭喜Neo Tango專輯入圍2011年第22屆金曲獎
GNF Neo Tango你是否曾經有想像過一場夢幻般的婚禮,現場充滿著浪漫且優雅的和聲,詮釋著古典以及異國情調的經典風格?Neo Tango 可以使你的婚禮成為心中永遠記憶深刻的一部分。隨著純熟的演奏技巧和表演經驗,每個Neo Tango 的音樂家能夠透過他們的音符,展現出動人的音樂以及觸動人心的旋律。和諧的各部和聲,是他們用熱情去展現出獨一無二的樂曲風格。
曾經於各大活動中演出 / Dior腕錶於台北遠東香格里拉大飯店的發表會;APP China's 的VIP活動;施華洛世奇的發表會。
演奏風格 / 探戈、古典、迪士尼經典樂曲、日本電視劇的經典配樂、當代流行音樂,爵士樂和福音。
樂團編制 / 鋼琴、小提琴、大提琴
Is having a band portraying an exotic atmosphere with romantic and elegant harmonies part of your dream wedding? GNF New Tango band can transform any sort of occasions into a memory that lasts forever. With techniques and experiences, each GNF’s New Tango musicians are able to portrait their love through music with moving and touching melodies, harmonic phrases and most of all, the passion to transform a piece into a one of a kind.
GNF New Tango band has performed for numerous events such as / Dior Watch release party at Shangri-La’s Taipei, APP China’s VIP event, Swarovski release party.
Style: Tango, Classical, Disney classics, Japan TV show classics, contemporary pop, jazz and gospel
Band: Piano / Violin/Cello
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