作為國內少數潛心鑽研爵士樂演唱,卻又能駕馭R&B, 拉丁、電子等不同曲風和律動的演唱者,台灣出生、長大的Aivee(徐悠語)自小同時受到台灣民謠、西方流行樂和爵士樂的深刻影響; 自從學習吉他後,更深深的愛上了藍調音樂,在酒吧、音樂餐廳演出,Aivee的創作包含中文或英文歌詞,她的英語歌曲曾在台灣的英語廣播電台ICRT中播出; 中文歌曲曾獲選收錄在高雄市政府文化局專案「2013南面而歌」選集中。 在2015年,為了學習爵士樂,並探尋不同的人聲表現方式,赴波士頓伯克利音樂學院 (Berklee College of Music)進行短期進修,期間曾與來自美國、義大利、巴西等不同國家之樂手合作演出或進行錄音。於2017亦以歌手身份獲選荷蘭阿姆斯特丹音樂學院夏季爵士工作坊的成員之一。 她獨特的半女孩/半女人唱腔,演繹起我們熟悉的經典歌曲甜而不膩,在自身的創作中展現個性。她閉著眼,遊走玩味著藍調、爵士、波薩諾瓦(Bossa Nova) 樂風,帶給聽眾輕鬆有趣的悠閒時光。Aivee目前除了從事演出、錄音配唱,同時也正在籌備她的全創作專輯。Aivee is a singer guitarist that fluently perform in jazz, R & B, Latin, and electronic genres, born and raised in Taiwan, was influenced by Taiwanese folk songs, western pop music, and jazz since her childhood; since learning guitar, more deeply in love with the blues music, in the bar, music restaurant, Aivee's creation contains Chinese or English lyrics, her English songs have been broadcast in Taiwan's English radio station ICRT; Chinese songs She was selected for inclusion in the "South Songs and South Songs" project of the Cultural Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government.
In 2015, in order to study jazz and explore different ways of vocal performance, she went to Boston for a short-term study at Berklee College of Music where she performed with orchestras from different countries such as the United States, Italy, Brazil, etc. or Make a recording. In 2017, she was also selected as a member of the Summer Jazz Workshop of the Amsterdam Conservatory in the Netherlands.