Birdy 丁詩瑀,原名 Desiree Cambronero Ting,菲律賓籍歌手,出身於音樂世家,父親曾是專業歌手,妹妹也是一位在菲律賓略有名氣的歌手。(英文內有一個詞彙 Songbird,意思就是很會唱的女歌手)

五年前 Birdy 到台灣時結識了現任丈夫,成為過埠新娘,開始學習中文,並且於2013年參與「超級偶像』擔任PK歌手後引起華語流行音樂圈譁然,2014年尾開始參與《Super Star 我要當歌手》歌唱比賽,追逐成為歌手的夢想。2015年更是跨足到中國,參加《最美和聲》歌唱比賽並入選楊坤老師戰對, 以一首「不要告別」與楊坤老師合唱驚艷對岸,對岸媒體也以“菲律賓歌姬Birdy”美譽稱讚Birdy的舞台魅力,也讓Birdy在對岸開啟了知名度,微博粉絲因此瞬間突破10萬人。


熱衷於舞蹈的Birdy,從小在菲律賓就一直學習各種舞蹈,也將” 美國葛萊美獎得主 - 碧昂絲”當作她的舞蹈老師,不時的自我訓練以及提升,不管民族或流行舞蹈都難不倒她。

Birdy Ding Yu, formerly known as Desiree Camborne Ting, a Filipino singer, was born in a musical family. Her father was a professional singer, and her sister is a local singer in the Philippines.
Birdy came to Taiwan in 2010, began to learn Chinese and thrilled the audience in the 2013 "Super Idol" which led to her growing fame in the PK Chinese pop music scene. In 2014 she entered the "Super Star 1 to Become a Singer" to further her accomplishments. By 2015 Birdy dominated"The Most Beautiful Harmony" singing contest in China and became a social media favorite, having earned a nickname as the “Filipina Diva” and gaining more than 10 million fans thanks to her onstage charisma and presence.
Having both a music and dance background, Birdy possesses a versatile repertoire of skills. She has an innate ability to charm and inspire audiences at live shows, effortlessly performing in pop, R&B and folk music genres.