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Kris來自美國,是一位鋼琴家和歌手,也是一位專業鋼琴和吉他手。 他的歌唱作品在俄亥俄州肯特州立大學和北卡羅來納大學格林斯博羅分校首次亮相。 伴隨著歌手,合唱團,樂器演奏家,音樂家。他還有許多戲劇作品,包括綠野仙踪,傑基爾,悲慘世界,小美人魚,伊甸之子等等。流暢而多樣的風格,包括爵士樂,流行樂,百老匯,搖滾和鄉村音樂。
Kris from USA, is a pianist and singer, he also High-level proficiency on piano and bass guitar. Compositions for dance were debuted at Kent State University in Ohio and the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. Proficiency with ProTools, Ableton Live, Sibelius. Electronic Compositions for two apps on Google Play store, Inverse Wars and Arith in Wonderland by Seed Studios. Accompanied vocalists, choirs, ensembles, instrumentalists, musician and rehearsal accompanist for many theater productions, including The Wizard of Oz, Jekyll and Hide, Les Miserables, The Little Mermaid, Children of Eden, and many more. Can sight-read, play by ear, and improvise. Taught private lessons to students of all ages. Fluency in many styles, including jazz, pop, broadway, rock, and country.
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