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法國 - 庇里牛斯音樂節 擔任主秀
盧森堡 - 喜來登飯店 穩定表演
瑞士 - Richmont Hotel 穩定表演
以色列 – 五星級飯店及Club 穩定表演
黎巴嫩 – 希爾頓飯店和賭城俱樂部 穩定表演
台灣 - 喜來登飯店,君悅飯店,高雄漢來飯店均有穩定表演
中國大陸上海 - CJW Club並且參與央視的電視秀錄影
Special performances and touring in restaurants, gala dinner and events in Spain, Italy, Belgium and Germany.
•FRANCE: including the Pyrenees Festival, where they performed with distinction.
•LUXEMBOURG: at the Sheraton Hotel.
•SWITZERLAND: in Geneva at the Richmond Hotel and Le Reserve.

•ISRAEL: in clubs and major International hotels.
•LEBANON: at the Hilton Hotel and Domino Club.

-At the Lai Lai Sheraton Hotel, the Grand Hotel, Hi Lai Hotel and The Grand Hyatt.
-The Taoyuan International Folk Festival, Keelung Summer Festival and the Central America Coffee Promotion Festival.
-My performance was acclaimed and live broadcast for the Taipei Moon Festival at the National Concert Hall.
-Recorded for the film “My first Laddy”.

•Great CHINA: CJW Club (Shanghai) and on a major TV Program of China TV Broadcasting Company.
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