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身兼歌手及歌曲創作者的Brandon,是一個非常有活力且令人充滿驚奇表演者,他那充滿力量又迷人的嗓音,總能震撼全場。獨特的個人魅力、豐富的音樂才華及對舞台的熱愛,使他深受國內外觀眾的歡迎。他擁有豐富的現場表演經驗,活躍於全台各地重要地音樂盛會,如“春天吶喊”、Peacefest 及 Blues Fest。
Brandon is also the singer and songwriter, he is a very dynamic and it is full of surprises performer, his voice full of strength and charming, always shock the audience. Unique personal charm, rich musical talent and passion for the stage, so that he was welcomed by domestic and foreign audiences. He has extensive experience in live performances, active in all over Taiwan importantly music event, such as "Spring Scream", Peacefest and Blues Fest.
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