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小胖林育羣在第六屆《超級星光大道》演唱惠妮休斯頓的《我會永遠愛你》(I Will Always Love You)演唱影片被網友們放上YouTube引起1千5百萬次點擊量,一躍成名為國際知名人士。林育羣成為史上第一位受邀上美國脫口秀的台灣歌手。隨後在美國、韓國、法國、德國、英國、日本皆有演出活動。在日本節目《關8比賽中》僅僅出現一次、就獲得日本的超高人氣,被封為『奇蹟的歌聲』、歌聲好聽到當場讓攝影棚內的日本女性幾乎全數落淚,甚至在東京街頭連續被10個日本女生認出。隨後被日本環球唱片收入囊中,成為名符其實的福山雅治的師弟。2013年夏季在中國大陸浙江衛視第二季《中國好聲音》比賽中受到那英、張惠妹等巨星級華人歌手肯定,他參加讓更多中國大陸觀眾能認識他。
Xiaopang Lin Yuqun sings in the 6th "Super Star Avenue" to sing Hui Niu Houston's "I Will Always Love You" singer video by netizens put on YouTube causing 15 million hits, jump Become known as an international celebrity. Lin Yuqun became the first Taiwanese singer to be invited to the American talk show in history. Later, there were performances in the United States, South Korea, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Japan. In the Japanese program "Guan 8 Competition", it only appeared once, and it was very popular in Japan. It was sung as a "miracle song", and the song was heard on the spot, causing almost all Japanese women in the studio to cry, even on the streets of Tokyo. It was recognized by 10 Japanese girls in succession. Later, he was included in the global album of Japan and became a true younger brother of Fukuyama Masaharu. In the summer of 2013, he was recognized by the Chinese singers such as Na Ying and Zhang Huimei in the second season of China's Zhejiang Satellite TV, "Good Voices in China". He participated in making more Chinese mainlanders know him.
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