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你不能不知的"黑珍珠",你將知道的黑珍珠亦以另一名字 Zorina London 揚名國際集演員歌手舞者多重身份於一身,不僅多才多藝更可謂全方位之全藝人。她的演出跨越場域超越國度,不論在眾多主流的電影電視亦或劇場皆可看見她精湛的表演藝術呈現,甚可曾在舊金山主持她自己的電視節目。
Black Pearl also known as Zorina London is the ultimate performer. Not only will she soothe your ears with her voice, she will please your eyes with her flamboyant, energetic and unique performance. Black Pearl hails from San Francisco, California where she was once awarded best female vocalist of the year. She has appeared in several major movies, TV shows, plays, and has hosted her own local TV show. This worldwide entertainer sings in five languages and has performed throughout the U.S. and abroad in such countries as France, Japan, Finland, Singapore, Malaysia, and Taiwan.
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