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從小到大獨鍾情於R&B / Soul(節奏藍調 / 靈魂)音樂的她,同時擁有厚實聲線及清亮嗓音,獨具個人風格與魅力,以過人的天賦和成熟的歌唱技巧,輕鬆詮釋各種類型音樂,總能化繁為簡,畫龍點睛,以歌聲傳達最真摯的情感。
現為歌手/詞曲創作人/錄音室配唱歌手/演唱會合音歌手/創作樂團「Electric MessAge 電子混亂世代」主唱。
R&B / Soul(節奏藍調 / 靈魂)Disco / Funk (迪斯可 / 放克)Jazz(爵士)
英. 國. 台語流行歌曲
One of talented singer, she is the sunshine of her hometown, Kaohsiung. Has always brought people unlimited enthusiasm and warmth.
Her music character influenced by R & B / Soul, she also has a rich and clear voice, unique style and charm, with extraordinary talent and mature singing skills, easy interpretation of various types of music, and convey the most sincere emotion in song.
She is a lead singer / songwriter / studio singer / concert co-singer / Creative Orchestra from "Electric MessAge Generation".
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