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圓山花博MAji廣場、Commune 17 、跳舞大象葡萄酒專賣、The 41 Bistro - 肆拾壹號英式小酒館、中山光一 Rev-Now、Café Rossiya、富錦樹咖啡店、美麗華百樂園嗜段子廣場、好意思咖啡、Bar Between(架橋)、台灣自釀啤酒專賣 - The 58 Bar、triangle cafe、晶華酒店、台北喜來登、香格里拉遠東國際大飯店、台北月見君想、淡江大學文錙音樂廳、公館河岸留言、開南大學、育達科技大學、成功大學成功廳。
Star singer, won the best vocalist on Taipei International Reverb Arts Festival and the winner of the Social Group Championship at the National Taiwan University. She is now active in major performances in Taipei City. Since 2016, she's also actively collaborated with alot of different musicians to create some new music styles.
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