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誘人的嗓音,Kate Bowen深遂如天鵝絨般絲滑的迷人歌聲。真正的爵士樂天后,同時也是靈魂,R&B,放克,藍調和流行音樂的大師,擅長各種類型的歌曲,並散發她獨特Lounge輕鬆感 ; 憑藉在世界頂級豪華酒店8年的表演經驗,以及20多年的音樂行業經驗,Kate的才華與專業精神和令人印象深刻的表演經歷,讓她確實成為一個絕無僅有的傑出歌者。
Sultry & alluring, Kate Bowen's deep, velvet-smooth voice never ceases to captivate. A true jazz diva, she is also a master of soul, R&B, funk, blues and pop, vocally adapting to each genre, with her signature lounge feel: A sound sometimes intimate and inviting, while other times powerful and commanding. With 8 years of experience in the world’s top luxury hotels, and 20+ years in the music industry, Kate's talent, professionalism and impressive résumé are truly a rare find.
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